Thursday, August 28, 2008


so lucky for today, get four premiere tickets for BABYLON A.D by my friend(actualy is by our boss).so the movie start at 9.00pm but we finish work at 8pm, what to do ? so we punch out very early today, but the movie already started when we arrived. the movie was very nice while starting, but not so good for the end. still consider as a very good movie(Vin Diesel ma!).how ever still very happy because this is my 1st time to watch a premiere movie. after finish the movie so we have our dinner in Taman Pertama at around 12am(haha actualy not a dinner is a supper already).

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

today what to do?

today was woke up at 1pm(why so late huh? bcoz off today!),was awake few times bcoz of my friend JE, i was promised him that today gonna bring him to Shamelin have a look for the new shoping centre shop slots. so b4 we go for shamelin,we have our breakfast(wei.. breakfast or lunch huh?)at maluri jusco, and bought a new blouse and a leather shoe for my sister wedding dinner 1(hahaha.. her wedding but look like mine also). so after our lunch and shoping, we go for the Shamelin and have a look for the shop show units, i think JE will do alot research and consider for the shop slot.

after i fetch JE back home, i back home too.. and rest until night, then having very excited badminton exercise. so until now 2.04am just reached home and luckily arrived earlier bcoz raining now.. if now will become a 落汤鸡.

Padini Long sleeve shirt and Alain Delon Leather shoe for my sister wedding dinner

Monday, August 25, 2008

death race

today after work go home very quick, my mom shock and asked, why so early come back? today no cook for me, haha anyway i knew that actualy. suddenly my friend ah lim he ask me to go watch movie, suddenly feel excited bcoz hang out with friend, so? wat movie i watched? i watched Death Race, not very well for the story line , but the surround sounds and the cars are amazing, feel the seat are shaking(too loud edi la wei!) so if wanna feel for the sound and the tense go for Death Race(check it out!)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Asus EEE Box (Intel Atom Processor)

do you believe that this is a PC? haha. Ya!!! true! this is a pc. it included processor, memory, harddisk, built in gigabit lan and wifi(b,g,n sommore!!!) and also Operating system(xp home original).


今天是星期四,在早晨下了一场倾盆大雨. 在我到达了停车场,我发现其实我是没带雨伞,呆呆站在停车场里大概十分钟,终于我也选择跑过去lowyat搞到像个落汤鸡(哈哈)




Tuesday, August 19, 2008


在很久很久以前有一对很恩爱的情侣,他们的名字叫做杰伊和逸恩,他们过着很开心的日子,偶尔也会骂架,有时候男的也会忽略了怎样去关心一个女孩,久而久之女孩开始对男孩少了信心,男孩还不知道女孩的心情,还继续这样忽略下去. 有一天女孩终于遇到了一个很关心她的一个男孩,逸恩很犹豫怕会伤害杰伊,结果偷偷跟第二个男孩一起.终于有一天杰伊一直拨电给逸恩但没人回答,他一直不停的拨打,最后逸恩很生气的那起电话说到:我在跟朋友聊天可以迟点再打来吗!? 杰伊就乖乖听话 等的二十分钟再拨电给逸恩,但过了二十分钟逸恩很不耐烦的说:不如我们分手吧!杰伊很无奈的问为什么,逸恩也没给他什么答案。第二天逸恩开始没接杰伊的电话了,杰伊觉得很伤心很难过,他问自己为什么逸恩要这样对他,终于有一天他发现逸恩已经有了的二个男朋友还对他很好和在事业上也有很好的成绩,杰伊开始明白和慢慢放开逸恩也祝福他们有很好的未来。虽然他的名字叫杰伊但他一点也不介意逸恩离开他的理由,过后杰伊也开始他自己的新生活。


Sunday, August 17, 2008



晚上我么去到一家香港火涡店吃晚餐,很丰富 有超过十多种浆料和汤底很多选择 还看到香港和本地的明星在那儿用餐呢(不大出名的)


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

生日快乐 Happy Birthday!

today is her birthday, i just sent a msg to her, don't think to get her something for her birthday, but i am fully wish her all the best.(feel not so comfort bcoz celebrate with her every years but not this year,hahaha ofcoz la.. ppl not your girlfriend any more)any how, no matter she know or don't know i still have to say "happy birthday" to her!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


今天我的姐姐终于跟他的男朋友订婚了,想起他们快要结婚我也很开心啊.但他们今天去注册我也没抽时间出席真的蛮坏和不像是她的弟弟.想到他们快要结婚,屋子里就少了一个人,少了双筷子,但每逢大日子就会多了一双筷,也蛮好的.哈哈 热闹嘛.虽然我没出席但我还是会祝福他们的!

Friday, August 8, 2008


今天约了一斑朋友一起去看Mummy3,在进去之前我们原本想到Marrybrown随便叫点东西吃就okay了,但没想到要等一段时间才有的吃,所以最后我们还是吃了Mcdonald,在买burger的途中我看到一个从外国来的游客,她竟然问Mcdonald的员工有没有menu,员工很不耐烦的回答:这里没有什么menu全部都在上面.搞了很久那个女人才可以买到食物给她的4个孩子吃(我在旁边听,感觉蛮搞笑的). 吃完晚餐后我们就出发去戏院准备去看期待已久的Mummy3,但看了之后觉得不是那么期待的感觉,有点不像在做mummy3, 但还好啦动作还有画面也不错.也算是不错的一部电影.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


8月4号 今天是晴天, 天气蛮好的.
今天睡到2点才懂得起身,但起身后觉得还没完全清醒,可能是昨天的PCFAIR搞到很夜所以特别好睡(哈哈). 过后我找朋友一起去吃早餐(午餐了啦),心血来潮的想去MALURI的JUSCO,结果我跟我的朋友就去了哪儿吃午餐. 很久都没到这里了,来到了过后想起很多很多的回忆(我跟她的咯). 吃了午餐后,我们走了一会儿看见很多东西都变了,短短的时间也改变得蛮快的吧.所以说啊,过去就过去了没得回头,就好像2008年的7月已经过去了永远不会回来的.所以该向前看了吧,想想自己的前途啊.


Monday, August 4, 2008

finally end

today is last day for pc fair, sales consider not bad for my self, i love the customers who will do full survey for the item they planning to buy(no nit to explain so much ; sometimes nit to explain much but they wont treat u are telling the truth.. so boring for that... hahaha). we arrange all the stock at 8.45pm(so early? hahaha.. all ppl still doing sales.. we so fast to arrange everything ready to go back LowYat, after that still have to trolley by trolley from ground floor to 3rd floor to send everythings back to the shop). after that we have our supper at "Hang Tuah", usually after pc fair our boss will treat us to eat some delicious food. so happy that we are only 8ppl can eat up to 22 bowls of regular rice(so exaggerated and the restoran worker there feel shock too...hahaha).So tired for today, luckily tomolo is my offday(have to sleep whole monday already!)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Been there again

yesterday was went to a stick house name "Bubba Gumb" have a dinner with some colleagues, ordered a mama southern chicken chop(but cant finish it, too much already la), this was my second time been there for dinner. after our dinner , we walk around at The curve and shoot some picture there and i heard a very good music, but i cant recognize that until today i still finding for that song(haih still cant get it)

today , at last the high end PC get ready for send to customer , but too bad is the driver are busying to send things to pc fair(KLCCentre) , so force to deliver my self, funny is i don't even know where the customer stay, luckily that my friend borrow me a GPS system, so that i can completed settle my troubles(thx to Jeff and Marding). and also thx to Ah Chin to help me to carry so many things(appreciate it)

this is the lift where the customer stay